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Chay Scott Copywriting

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Sunshine Coast Copywriting Services: Based in Eumundi, Queensland, I provide copywriting services - including SEO copywriting and website copywriting - to happy clients in Brisbane and surrounds, the Sunshine Coast, and also (thanks to Skype and the internet!) Australia, the UK, and parts of Europe. 
During my 20 year career in writing and public relations, I've worked in-house as a news and features writerSEO copywritereditor, public relations director, and recently have became a published author.

I have been published in The Green Parent, The Mother, The Age, Melbourne's Child, Sydney's Child, Kids on the Coast, Mothering, Mother and Baby, Otherways, Attachment Parenting International, Nurture and many, many more.

Originally from London, England, I moved to Victoria, Australia 10 years ago, and now enjoy life on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, Queensland with my artist hubby and our four high-energy kidlets! 

13 Burrell Avenue
Eumundi, QLD 4562
Phone 0754428858 or 0754428858
Added: 24 December 2015 2:38pm
Last Edited: 24 December 2015 2:38pm
Chay Scott Copywriting
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